How To Find A Profitable Niche

How To Find A Profitable Niche

Niche down. Find your niche. Focus. There’s no shortage of brand and marketing experts telling you to find a niche. They’re not wrong. Focusing your attention on a specific group of people is key to success, but it’s not easy.  Intentionally cutting out a portion of

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product launch strategy

Step-By-Step Product Launch Strategy

Launching a new product is exciting and scary at the same time. You have a great idea, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything that has to be done to turn your idea into a reality. None of us are immune to launch stress.

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How To Create A Brand Positioning Strategy

You can’t copy a market leader’s strategy and expect to win. Copying what the industry heavyweights are doing is a recipe for getting your ass handed to you. The secret to success as a small company is finding holes in the big players’ strategies. That’s

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Don’t Start With Why, Do This Instead

“People don’t buy your why, they buy what you can do for them.” I’ve never bought a product because a company told me their why. Have you? I don’t care about the company’s why. I care about my why.  Understanding that people buy things to

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The Secret to Content Marketing for Startups

I put out a minimum of one article per week. I share posts on LinkedIn each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The Recipe (my weekly email) hits inboxes every Friday morning. With the exception of our clients and the companies I mentor, those articles, posts, and

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3 Company Rebranding Examples You Need To Study

Customers evolve, competition grows, and industries change. It’s easy to find yourself holding onto an antiquated brand that doesn’t stand for what you want or resonate with buyers. If that’s you, make a change. A successful company rebrand can ignite growth and carve out a

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direct response copywriting

Copywriting That Gets People To Buy

Great direct response copywriting is like a mirror. A skilled copywriter can make us see ourselves in their copy. It almost feels like they’re typing our thoughts back to us.  Not tuning your copy to WIIFM (what’s in it for me) is where most copy

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How To Find A Profitable Niche

How To Find A Profitable Niche

Niche down. Find your niche. Focus. There’s no shortage of brand and marketing experts telling you to find a niche. They’re not wrong. Focusing your attention on a specific group of people is key to success, but it’s not easy.  Intentionally cutting out a portion of

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4 Pillars of Company Growth

The Four Pillars of Company Growth

Why did you start a company? There are easier ways to make a buck. The entrepreneurial life is not one to enter half-assed. You either come in with your whole ass or not at all.  It’s painful watching so many companies struggle. Especially when it

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product launch strategy

Step-By-Step Product Launch Strategy

Launching a new product is exciting and scary at the same time. You have a great idea, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by everything that has to be done to turn your idea into a reality. None of us are immune to launch stress.

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