how to get clients

How To Get More Clients In 4 Steps

The ability to sell has kept food on the table and a roof over my family’s head. I may be bad at many things, but selling is not one of those things. Put me in a room with someone interested in building a brand and

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word of mouth marketing

Word of Mouth Marketing Made Easy 

Word of mouth marketing isn’t luck. It’s a strategy anyone can craft. Think about the brands in your life. I’ll bet you can describe what each is about in a few words.  Apple is about design.  Nike is about human performance.  Walmart is about saving

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If you’ve made it this far, it’s probably meant to be. Let’s jump on a call to discuss your needs and our solutions.

How To Start A Successful Business In 2021

I’ve helped build more than one hundred brands over the last fifteen years. I can boil all of that experience down into one tip for starting a successful business… Only play games you can win.  Don’t compete against a market leader in their favorite game.

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Don’t Start With Why, Do This Instead

“People don’t buy your why, they buy what you can do for them.” I’ve never bought a product because a company told me their why. Have you? I don’t care about the company’s why. I care about my why.  Understanding that people buy things to

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