how to get clients

How To Get More Clients In 4 Steps

The ability to sell has kept food on the table and a roof over my family’s head. I may be bad at many things, but selling is not one of those things. Put me in a room with someone interested in building a brand and

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word of mouth marketing

Word of Mouth Marketing Made Easy 

Word of mouth marketing isn’t luck. It’s a strategy anyone can craft. Think about the brands in your life. I’ll bet you can describe what each is about in a few words.  Apple is about design.  Nike is about human performance.  Walmart is about saving

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If you’ve made it this far, it’s probably meant to be. Let’s jump on a call to discuss your needs and our solutions.

The Secret To Marketing Goals That Lead To Revenue

I’m passionate about this subject because I’ve seen countless companies get caught up in the jargon, structure, and formalities of building a marketing plan and never actually get to marketing. My KISS (Keep It Stupid Simple) methodology spits in the face of traditional plans. If

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Find Your Product-Market Fit In 3 Steps

We have an eCommerce client enjoying 400% revenue growth this year. Facebook ads, email marketing, and conversion optimization played a part in that success, but these tactics are worthless without product-market fit. The thing that really moved the needle in this company’s success was cutting

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Would you buy a saw from a man with missing fingers?

I’m going to share an important lesson about exploiting a competitive advantage, but first, you need to read this true story… “Mike,” Patti said. “You’re going to cut off your fingers.” “No, it’ll be fine, Patti. You just need to know what you’re doing. There

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