
How Not To Use LinkedIn For Business Development

The following is pulled directly from my LinkedIn messages. Iโ€™ve replaced the name (it obviously wasnโ€™t Kurt Russell) and samples, but I havenโ€™t altered the message otherwise.

I get an almost exact copy of this message multiple times a week. Itโ€™s become a game I play with new website developer connections. I put odds on how long it will take to get this exact message after we connect on LinkedIn.

Hi Andrew,

Thanks for connecting with me. I hope you are doing well! We are the leading mobile digital agency offering integrated, dynamic and streamlined website design & development solution to businesses worldwide. We have established a reputation for consistently delivering critical and technically challenging projects under given timelines, while also providing exceptional customer service and support to our clients. We build quality websites, tailored to reflect your professional image and effectively market your services and expertise to new and established clients. We have a wide-ranged list of satisfied clients including: attorneys and law firms, accounting firms, medical professionals, and entrepreneurs. Our Hourly rate is $25/hr.

Portfolio: โ€“

If you are interested in our services. Do you have any availability this week or next week to set up a call with me? Thanks for your time and I hope to hear back from you! Let me know your thoughts.

Kurt Russell

First, Iโ€™m amazed at how many โ€œleading mobile & digital agenciesโ€ there are.

Second, who is teaching this technique and providing this script?

Getting a similar message from two different people is a coincidence. Getting an almost identical message 20+ times is not.

These people are blowing their one legitimate shot at making a strong first impression with me.

I can empathize with these men and women. Weโ€™re all trying to sell something. We all need to make a living and feed the family.

But nobody wants to be sold. Thatโ€™s what these people donโ€™t get. Letโ€™s all learn from these โ€œleading mobile and digital agencies.โ€

A simple adjustment in their approach would make all of the difference. Rather than sending me their hard sell script, they should take 5 minutes to research my business, identify content Iโ€™m putting out, show me some love and possibly provide some educational or useful information relevant to my interests.

Soften me up before going in for the kill.

Make an effort to build a relationship and create a level of trust before pitching your services. Make me think you care about me, show me your expertise (donโ€™t just tell me), and give me a good reason to read that message when it hits my inbox.

And when you do come in for the kill, donโ€™t use a canned message. Especially when youโ€™re pitching a guy that builds brand messages for a living. Introduce some personality. Cut the jargon. Give me a reason to give a shit.

Iโ€™m willing to bet an approach along these lines would increase their conversion rate by double digits. A double-digit increase in conversions translates to substantial revenue.

This post was originally delivered toย The Recipeย community. The Recipe is an email I send each Friday for entrepreneurs and marketers. You canย Sign Up Right Here

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