
Does Your Brand Have Bad Habits?

Man Smoking Showing Brand Habits

I can go out and ride my bike for an hour, or I can go to the bar and drink two beers.

What vote will I cast today?

โ€œEvery action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new identity.โ€ย 

– James Clear, Atomic Habits

This idea from James Clear applies to the brand you’re building as well.

You can apologize to a customer when they’re unhappy and offer a refund, or you can refuse the refund and keep their money.

You can buy the cheapest materials to put behind the walls where your customer will never see, or you can demand quality in all aspects of construction.

You can offer a genuineย please and thank you to every customer, or you can just get on with the next transaction.

Your decision is casting a vote for the type of brand you wish to become. No single customer transaction will transform your brand, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your brand identity.

Core values, mission statements, and manifestos are pointless if you don’t back them up withย habits and cast votes every day.

The first step is deciding what type of brand you want to become.


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